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A story of a traveler... 


A lone traveler explores the world searching for something, but not knowing what it was, he kept moving aimlessly from one land to another.

He was met with many lovely places full of life but none of them had what he was searching for. Was it naïve of him to expect destiny to show him just what was missing from his life? Maybe, but he didn't find that to be bad at all.


On one of his routes, a forest seems to call for him, without realizing it, his feet guided him inside and soon enough the traveler was greeted with a moon gate. Something about it felt different... Inviting yet distant, something told the traveler that whatever he was looking for, would be past that arch. One step forward and into the gate, he marched on the sparse stones that acted as a path that had been but was no longer complete. Behind him followed something, but the traveler had yet to notice what it was.


The traveler's feet made a full stop at the disheartening sight his eyes laid their gaze on... Houses broken down, buildings that he could only assume were once small family run shops, completely run down and taken over by nature, the further they walked inside, the more their heart broke with the realization that this was in fact an abandoned town, no soul to be seen.


Inside one of the houses, the wood creaked under his feet but other than that there was complete silence along with darkness with the exception of some rays of light coming from the cracks and holes in the ceiling. But after a moment, the traveler was joined by soft light. Surprised, the man turned to the light and was faced with a spirit! A cute but lonely looking spirit. He smiled at it,


"Are you alone?"


Soft sad noises came from the little being, the traveler wasn't exactly correct as the spirit was joined by a couple other spirits just as lonely. Relieved, the man smiled, at least they're not all alone the traveler thought. He spent some time with the spirits, as someone who believed in their existence, their presence was nothing more than pleasant and heartwarming, he was honored that they would show themselves to him!

After spending some time walking around the lonely town with the spirits, the man was about to leave so he could find a place to stay, but feeling that intent the spirits tried their best to keep the man in town. There was something they wanted to show him!


Something that would change the grim state of this town... A new destiny for it.



Some years later


Word of a small growing town is spreading almost carried by the winds. It's located in a forest close to the ocean, somehow it was as if it was hidden from plain sight and many people haven't heard of it, ever! But according to older generations, it was a town that was very much real before they were born and it had gotten abandoned after some mysterious circumstances- but now it was returning to life. With the efforts of an apparently young man, it slowly began to attract people who had no homes and weren't afraid to put in some work into its restoration. It began to feel like a town again.


Somehow you hear word of the town, and how they were offering outsiders a warm welcome into their small community with promises of a home and jobs. Maybe taking a look wouldn't hurt.


As you step under the moon gate at the entrance of the town you hear chimes around you... What was that? Word goes that this town is protected by spirits... But are they real? In a world where magic exists along with monsters and many other things, regardless of you being spiritual or not, anything is possible.


Arriving to the centre of the town, you're greeted by an elf man who greets you with a kind smile.


"Welcome to the town of Vaimne!"


[Summary of SE events so far]



After the town spent a while overrun by magical flying fish, Vaimne returned to normal. The fishes disappeared but something else appeared... On the final day, some citizens were investigating some fallen scales that didn't seem to belong to the flying fish. At the end of the trail, they are surprised to find... a person?

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