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App idea3.png


Extra space

Vaimne Overlook Application template can be found here.

  1. The app must have a clean full body art of your character! 

  2. The headshot can be taken from the full body.

  3. The extra space can be used for whatever you want! 

  4. Please read about the races available to see what you can and can't do with your design. You can check that information here.

  5. For the full body, we would prefer to see the OC in work clothes, but if drawn in casual clothing please mention it!

  6. We allow adopt designs to be used. 

Information needed for the written application:

Name: (your OC's name)

Age: (minimum is 16 (because they will work)! there is no limit of age, just make it realistic to them)

Birthday: (Season + Day [each of the 4 seasons have 30 days])

Gender: (any gender accepted!)

Race: (Human/Elf/Half-elf/___Hybrid)

Height: (OC's height, cm or ft is fine)

Weight: (OC's weight)

Job(s): (Please put two jobs , the 1st one is the main one you're applying for, the 2nd one would be for back up!)


Magic Potential: (Please say yes if your oc has the potential to learn magic, or no if they don't)

Likes / Dislikes: (Include at least 4 minimum for likes and 4 minimum for Dislikes)

Personality: (Please include BOTH positive and negative traits (at least 4 traits for each one) ! try to make this section as detailed as you feel it must be for us to understand the character as this is a big part on what we check for acceptance)

Backstory: (This section is the other most important part we look at for acceptance or rejection along with personality. The backstory has to be AT LEAST one paragraph! Be as detailed as you feel you need to be to explain your character's background and show us how their past influenced their personality, why they chose the job you're applying for and how they got to Vaimne town! But please add a TL;DR section if it is too long. For the second opening, your OC has to be new to Vaimne! Exceptions are if they lived in Vaimne but just didn't have any of the current jobs)


Housemate: TBA (This group will have a housemate system where ocs will be randomly paired to live in the same house as another citizen. Houses are free, but at the cost of living with someone else. [If there is someone you would not want to be paired with, let a mod know] )


Extra: (optional, Trivia)



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