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Rules & F.A.Q.

General rules

â–º Be respectful to other members / non-members and Mods! Respect their limits and try to avoid any possible triggers of others. We will also not tolerate any ship chasing.


â–º Be inclusive! Please try to avoid keeping someone out of the conversation if they're trying to be a part of it.


â–º No drama! Please do not start anything in the server as seeing arguments may lead to making other members uncomfortable. Either resolve the situation on your own, or ask help from the mods!


â–º Please read every information provided through the discord server / website! 


â–º This group is 16+ (you must be older than 16 to apply). This is to give some more freedom to members since there are monsters in the world and fighting/getting injured are a possibility, but don’t go overboard! (ie. don't post heavy gore)

  • If light gore is posted (blood, wounds, etc.) you must add a TW + spoiler the art.

  • NO NSFW!


â–º Do not god mod in rps! Please discuss any IC and OOC boundaries with the muns you are rping with and respect their limits.

  •  If another member does not want to interact with you (oc or ooc), do not force them. 


If you see anyone breaking these rules, please let the mods know! Either through the ticket system through the #tickets chat in the discord server, OR ask to dm a mod about it.

Art rules

â–º No tracing! No Heavy referencing! All art for the group must be done by YOU. You can take inspiration in other art but if it is a heavily inspired art you must link/credit what inspired you!

  • You can post art done by others of your oc just as long as you credit them properly!

  • We allow app art to be drawn by others with proper credit and permission.

  • If you are caught tracing, you will be removed from the group.


â–º If you see someone in the group or applying that is tracing please let the mods know so we can take the appropriate actions!


â–º Just as stated in the general group rules, we will not tolerate any NSFW, this applies to art as well!


If you see anyone breaking these rules, please let the mods know! Either through the ticket system through the #tickets chat in the discord server, OR ask to dm a mod about it.


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