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These are the currently available races / species you can create to apply to Vaimne Overlook. As seen on the bottom, more will be released, but for now these are the ones seen around the town and its continent.


  • Humans are the more common race seen in the continent where Vaimne town is located, making up about 55% of the races that is thought to inhabit it.

  • Healthy humans have an average life span of 85 years! Some even reaching a little over 100.

  • Most humans don't know magic nor are able to use it without specialized tomes. There's rare cases where humans have natural magic abilities but they need to be aware of them to actually use them. In addition to this, they would also need some type of magic conductor like a magical accessory.



Elf / Half-elf

  • Elven communities aren't seen much around the island but they exist! 

  • Elves can have incredibly long life spans depending on many things. Half elves usually only have half of that life span, but it's still much longer than their human half.

    • A Half elf is born from a human parent and an elven parent.

  • Appearance wise, Elves and half elves physically age like humans until they reach human adulthood (18-25), after that they will physically age a lot slower than humans, 16 years being equal to aging 1 human year appearance wise. Using this converter will help.

  • Some elves have higher potential of knowing magic, but they still need to learn it just like humans.​​



  • Hybrids are ones who have mostly human features but some animal features.

    • The ones seen around the island are only known to be hybrids of common animals, there have been no reports of mythical hybrids in the area...​

  • Their lifespan is just as long as humans.

  • Depending on what animal they're a hybrid of, they might have different features to humans (ie a cheetah hybrid might be a bit faster) but these differences aren't usually very prominent.

  • Hybrids can know magic, but they have the same issues as Humans. They either need a specialized tome, or will have to be aware of natural magic abilities and own a magical accessory to actually use them.


  • It is rare for merpeople to come to the surface, as they live perfectly comfortable underwater. If you wish to make a merperson, it would be easiest if they were local to Draak island considering the recent events (view more below). Of course, you can make them come from farther lands as long as they have a reason to move to Vaimne!

  • They usually have two forms, one for the surface and one for the water. To shed their tail for legs, merpeople simply just needs to clean themselves of the salt on their body.

  • Their appearances may vary depending on their region.

  • They have more magical potential than humans but still less than elves. 

  • Aging is the same as normal Humans, with their life expectancy just a bit higher, some reaching up to 150 years of age.

  • The way societies work underwater vary from where they come from (we leave this open to your own development and worldbuilding). Some societies work alike to the ones at land while others would be in complete culture shock from the society above water!


Local to Draak

  • Merpeople local to Draak Island have been raised to be doubtful of Vaimne citizens. You can decide how far your OC takes this advice.

  • Recently they've been under attack by an unknown force.

  • Merpeople local to Draak know the spell Call, in which they enter a comatose state and project a flying fish to escape their current stressing situation. The experience is alike to dreaming. Most merpeople local to Draak went into this form during the Story Event 1. 

  • After the current mini event, Vaimne is more accessible for merpeople to enter.

  • Our vagueness comes from potentially spoiling some lore for the current mini event. If you are interested in making a merperson local to Draak, you can open a ticket to ask mods for more in depths question to help your character creation. 


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